Tuesday, September 29, 2009

29 Sept 09

I find myself just counting down the minutes till 730pm. There's seriously nothing to look forward to at work. Hmmmm..

13 more working days. 1 more day to payday.

Monday, September 28, 2009

28 Sept 09

I overslept on the bus today! Got off a stop after my usual stop, fortunately I didn't sleep all the way till the interchange.
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!"
Because I overslept on the bus, I had a chance to take this picture, it appears to be some makeshift stairway over a patch of grass. Why can't people just walk on the grass? I thought it was pretty interesting, not to mention there's a lizard using the stairs.

14 more working days. 2 days to pay day.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

27 Sept 09

83.52% of juvenile Eeyores in Asia have a hard time deciding on their food orders.
I have proof.

I finally fixed my Converse homemade laceless shoes (after a good 2 months). Today was rather boring, I rushed all my pokemon (except HM slave) to level 30, and now the ones I received from trades are disobeying me.

Tomorrow is monday again, oh dreadful monday.
On a brighter note, there's only 3 weeks left, and next thursday's payday!

26 Sept 09

As the rest of Singapore watches the F1 race..

Went to Telok Blangah today to check out the waves, Henderson Waves that is. Pretty disappointed, it wasn't much at all. Shot in RAW for the first time today and I must say, editing RAW images was really fun.

Blogger seems to be screwing up the colour in my images, which kind of sucks cause I like the colours as they were. Manual 3 exposure HDR by the way, doesn't look like it I know.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

25 Sept 09

Drew this drumset at work, Lun Tat likes it. Hurray! I got really really bored at work today, I'm sooooooo sick of painting prawns. So sick that I jumped at every opportunity to help with the CTC Travel commercial's motion graphics, I even voluntarily topped up the water in the fountain.

Went to watch Phobia 2 after work with Lun Tat and his church friends. I must say, the movie was pretty entertaining. To all of you who haven't seen it, GO WATCH IT!

15 more working days, the last few days always seem the longest.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

24 Sept 09

OT-ed again today. Ridiculous client didn't even know how to spell rasterize properly.
16 more working days.

Then and Now

2 Years Ago . . . . . . . . . . Now . . .

Just found this old picture (left, duh!), taken 2 years ago? That was before I even discovered photography.
2 years down, still have the same grip, just different camera. Somehow I found this really amusing.

23 Sept 09

Wow, pretty bokehs!

Taking pictures en route to the office is kind of getting boring. I want a break, an entire day in which I can just go around and take photos instead of going to work. Sigh..
17 more working days.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

22 Sept 09

18 more working days till the end of SIP. I shall start counting down with every post from today onwards. Pay day is coming, I can't wait to get my pay! The boss still owes me $50.

Monday, September 21, 2009

21 Sept 09

Today's a holiday, and it rained again.

20 Sept 09

1/3200 sec, f22, ISO200

Sun star with my kit lens, I realised I have been taking pictures with fairly wide apertures since forever, seldom stopping down. As such, this is actually the first time I'm capturing a sun star.We celebrated Johannesen's birthday today. One week belated, but the important thing is that we all met up.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

19 Sept 09

It rained today, stopped in the afternoon though. Jojo came over for an acoustic jam.
Jojo the Environmentalist

Friday, September 18, 2009

18 Sept 09

I've been really busy with SIP recently, today, I finally got off work early (before the sun actually set). The bus was really packed and the only seat left was right in the front on the upper deck, kind of reminded me of my childhood for some reason. Anyways, the long weekend is here, only 19 more days of SIP!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

17 Sept 09

Today was tiring, I spent a more than 15 hours at work, left at 8 and got back at 12.
Saw this cat on the way home, she seemed to be really interested in my camera. She kept coming towards me, making it really hard to get the shot in focus. I managed to get this shot when literally told him to stay still (complete with hand actions).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

16 Sept 09

Finally found time to take photos again, I ended up running for the bus after this picture.